1:1 Holistic


60min 1:1 Holistic Consultations (on zoom) with Charlotte will help you gain clarity on factors that are preventing you from living a life of joy, purpose and vibrant health. You will process the past, root out the sources of imbalance in all areas of life (physical, metal, emotional, and spiritual), and gain confidence in the modalities that will lead to radical growth and transformation.

Each session is personalised to tackle your current struggles. Charlotte works with a unique combination of Ayurvedic medicine, vitalist herbalism, counselling, coaching, and breathwork to construct the most effective formula for your health path. This holistic combination of powerful modalities will offer results fast.

Charlotte is an Ayurvedic Health Councillor, breathwork guide, and yoga teacher. She uses her bank of experiential and clinical training to help people shift from a state of surviving to thriving in all areas of life.

If there is imbalance in one area of your life, it will permeate into all areas.

To truly thrive, the entire system must be functioning cohesively - body, mind, spirit.

Whether you are experiencing physical illness or dis-ease, emotional imbalance, or generally struggling to feel purposeful and inspired by life, these sessions will help you identify the root of what is holding you back from optimal wellness. 

Charlotte will help you to deal with current challenging circumstances, integrate past experiences, and take actionable steps towards to vibrant living. 

A 1:1 consultation will help you:

  • restore vibrant health of areas of imbalance within the body

  • develop tools for managing anxiety and regulating the nervous system

  • deal with symptoms you are experiencing

  • learn holistic wellness practices to support your healing journey (or to compliment any allopathic treatment you are currently undergoing) 

  • get clarity on your life mission and purpose

  • process past experiences that are holding you back

  • build confidence understanding your unique constitution and how to best take care of yourself with diet, lifestyle practices, herbal medicine, breath work etc.

  • optimise your daily routine to boost inspiration, clarity and productivity 

  • shift feelings of stagnation, depression or fatigue that are stopping you from living to your fullest potential 

  • carve a clear path forward to achieving your life goals

  • develop clear communication skills

  • set appropriate boundaries

Why I created this method of healing work:


The way I work with people 1:1 is the result of 11years of study, training and practice on my pursuit of happiness.

Here I have collated a unique combination the modalities that I have found most powerful on my own journey of healing. 

A one-stop for all aspects of your wellbeing.

Because, when things don’t feel right in life, we don’t want to be wasting time looking for the answers.

11 years ago I was a completely different person than I am today. I had no idea who I was. What I wanted from life. I was plagued by fear and anxiety 24hrs a day. I had eczema all over my body. PMS so painful I would vomit. IBS that wouldn’t shift no matter what diet I tried. I was people-pleasing to the point of complete self-abandonment. Almost all the relationships in my life were massively toxic (although I didn’t know that at the time). I had no boundaries and let people take advantage of me. I was full of shame. I developed a dependancy on drugs and alcohol to self-soothe, which eventually brought me to a very precarious edge of survival.

I embarked on a mission to find the practitioners, healers and therapists who could help me work through my dis-ease. 

I went to therapists to help me regulate my emotions and process trauma. 

I found Ayurvedic practitioners, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and western medical doctors to help me deal with physical imbalance. 

I sought out spiritual teachers, guru’s and preachers to help me overcome the distance I felt from God. I even became a nun for 2 years to commit myself fully to growing in faith. 

I listened to podcasts and watched YouTube videos to help me boost productivity and feel purposeful in my work.

ALL of these people and practices are what saved me at my lowest points. And yet, none of them in isolation were enough to fully shift me into optimal health. 

Over the years I honed my skill in all the areas that called me most deeply. I got serious about my wellbeing. I found the right balance of all of the practices I needed to thrive.

This method changed my life. And I share it now with you in the hopes that it can change yours too.